Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Bonus: Jackpot!

Good afternoon, bloggers!

The duedate for
Assignment #2 is approaching quickly (it's due TOMORROW)! Please remember to comment on my Assignment #2 post to let me know that you have completed it. Also, a few quick reminders:

1) Make sure you've clicked on "Follow" to follow our class blog

2) Make sure your blog is included in my link list to the right. If it's not, please comment on this post and include the link to your blog so that I can add it to my list.

3) Please make sure you've turned the 'word verification' for your comments off.

Now, this assignment isn't a mandatory one, but I think it's one that many of you might be interested in. I discovered a very interesting article today. I won't tell you what it's about...I'd rather you discover that for yourself. Read through the article, and for a bonus, create a posting on your blog entitled "Stolen Jackpot." In this posting, I simply want to know what you think about this article and the topic it discusses. What are your reactions? How would you feel if you were in that situation? Tell me your thoughts, feelings, and/or opinions!


Sam V said...

Thanks for sharing! I did this assignment, it's the one titled "Stolen Jackpot" like you asked.

Sam V said...

Response- No need, I just fixed it :)

HannahS said...

I did the Assignment but I told a story.:D

HannahS said...

Wait no I didn't do the stolen jackpot on but i'm going to

Casey said...

i liked it and i hope I win the $12.5 million!

jumanh said...

Hello Mrs.Crosbie my name is Jumanh from Mrs. pollock's class Please come check out the post that I did about what i should be for halloween.Thank's

Holly said...

Hi Ms.Crosbie! I'm done this assignment. If I had the 12.5 million...I would buy a horse ranch!

Caitlin said...

Hey Ms.Crosbie, I am done this assingment!

Dawson S said...

I'm done the assingment.