Monday, October 25, 2010

Assignment #5: The Golden Rule

Happy Monday, Bloggers!

In class today, we began our discussion of tolerance, prejudice, discrimination, and equality. A big thing we talked about was the idea of "The Golden Rule." We looked at Norman Rockwell's painting entitled Do Unto Others and we discussed the universality of The Golden Rule in world religions. Now, it's time for you to do some thinking.

I've posted some important questions below. Take a look at them, and answer at least 4 of them on your own blog. Be sure to use correct spelling, punctuation, and grammar, and and be sure to use complete sentences. Once again, I'm looking for the thought behind the response. Most of these questions don't have a right or wrong answer, so I'm looking for your interpretation (and, as usual, an explanation of how you came to that conclusion).

Remember: The Golden Rule isn't a religious issue. It is something that every person, religious, faithful, spiritual, or not, shold always keep in mind and try to live by.

The Questions

What is the message of the Golden Rule?

Are you aware of the title or message of a TV program, book or popular song which expresses the same idea as the Golden Rule? Explain

Which expression of the Golden Rule do you like the best? Why?

How would you express the Golden Rule in your own words?

What could things be like if everyone behaved according to the Golden Rule?

Why is it that sometimes we don’t behave according to the Golden Rule?

This assignment will be due on THURSDAY, OCTOBER 28, 2010.


DaynaLT said...

Hi, Ms.Crosbie. I finished assigment 5 and called it "The Golden Rule." You can read it on my blog.

Holly said...

Hi Ms.Crosbie! I'm done this assigment.

BreahD said...

Hello Ms.Crosbie,

I've finished this assignment, and have called it "The "Golden" Rule" on my blog.

Farewinds! -Bree-


i finished assignment 5

Sam V said...

Salutations Ms.Crosbie! This assignment was wicked. I did it under the post I titled "The Golden Rule".

See you!

Courtney said...

I have finnished, it is called Assignment 5: Golden Rule


Kelly Kaay said...

Hiya Ms.C! I've completed this assignment :) This is probably my favorite assignment so far.

-Kelly :)

Kaitlin said...

Hi miss c I'm done all the assignments so far I'm done 1,2,3,4,5.

Caitlin said...

Hello Ms.Crosbie,
I finished this assingment yesterday but forgot to tell you so, I am know. It's called "The Golden Rule"

AriannaK said...

Hey I finished the assignment
-Arianna :)

Andrianna said...

Hey I am done this assignment.

Alicia`s blog said...

Hi Ms.Crosbie I am done the golden rule post I actshelly finished it two days ago but I forgot to tell you .

MattM said...

Hey Mrs. C Im dont the assignment!

Josh said...

i completed assignment #5

Daniel said...

I just finished the golden rule assignment