Thursday, October 28, 2010

Assignment #6: Due November 3, 2010

Opinion is a flitting thing,
But truth outlasts the Sun--
If we cannot own them both--
Possess the oldest one.

Your Task

Above is a poem by Emily Dickenson. She was a very prolific writer, as evidenced by the title (this is poem # 1455). Your assignment is to respond to this poem. You can respond in any way you wish (rap, poem, journal response, video, slideshow, etc.) All I ask is that you include an explanation of what this poem means to you and how you think it could or should be applied to our society.


BrandonM said...

I have completed my instrument assignment on my blog.I have also completed my golden rule already.

HannahS said...

I have completed my instrument study.
But I'm not understanding what your asking us
to do for this assignment.

Ms. Crosbie said...

Hi, Hannah.

What I'm asking you to do is read the poem above and then to respond to it. To tell me what you think it means or what it's trying to say. Figure out the message, how it applies to your life and our society in general. Then, write a response in whatever medium you choose (you may choose to do a journal entry, or record a speech, or write a song, etc.).

Does this help clarify?

DaynaLT said...

Hi, Ms.Crosbie. I completed assignment 6 and called it Poem Response. You can read it on my blog.

HannahS said...

Hi Ms.Crosbie
Yes now I understand this assignment way better
now thank you.

Holly said...

Hi Ms Crosbie, I have completed assignment 6.

Courtney said...


I have finished assignment 6 it's on my page labled Assignment 6: Poem Response.


Alicia`s blog said...

Hi ms.Crosbie Iam done the assinment 6 it is called the Seek The Truth Poem .

Caitlin said...

Hello Ms.Crosbie,
I finshed this aasingment yesterday but I forgot to tell you. You can read it on my blog it's called "Assingment #6"


Kelly Kaay said...

Hiya Ms.Crosbie.
I've completed assignment #6. :D


Sam V said...

Howdy Ms.Crosbie! I've completed this assignment. I titled it "Seeking Truth".

Sam V said...

Hey Ms.Crosbie, I changed my post "Seeking Truth" so if you could read it now that would be excellent.


Tanisha's Stupendous Page said...

Good morning MS. Crosbie!! I have completed this assignment. Title Assignment 6

BrandonM said...

Hi!I have completed assignment #6 on my blog I hope you enjoy it!:)

steph said...

Hey ms.crosbie I'm done assigment #6 it's posted seek the truth on my blog